It costs the price of a new one to find the thing you lost last week.
You’ll be noticed if you
Put an equal effort into the things you like and the things you’re responsible for.
if only I could draw
The best writers are artists.
You can strip down and focus a poem until all that’s left is to draw a picture.
wet dog
A dog’s just a hound
Until it’s a pet.
A drip’s just a drop
Until you’re all wet.
Hopefully More
If you are ever asked of me that thought provoking question; “Describe him using one word”, and you can, I’m sorry.
Late or Done?
It seems to me that successful people worry less about when they quit, and more about what they’ve done before they quit.
Fresh Diplomacy
A large dog was being very friendly to Ava, licking and trying to kiss her when we were trick or treating. Ava had had enough, an said “I think I’ll go outside for some fresh air…”
In the morning
Put a look together that makes you look put together.
Profit = service?
Dollars spent has nothing to do with reputation.
Get over it
Sometimes it’s better to learn than agree.