It costs the price of a new one to find the thing you lost last week.
Happy Birthday Mike
You Have Won:
Sorry, better luck next year.
You’ll be noticed if you
Put an equal effort into the things you like and the things you’re responsible for.
if only I could draw
The best writers are artists.
You can strip down and focus a poem until all that’s left is to draw a picture.
wet dog
A dog’s just a hound
Until it’s a pet.
A drip’s just a drop
Until you’re all wet.
Hopefully More
If you are ever asked of me that thought provoking question; “Describe him using one word”, and you can, I’m sorry.
Can’t do it all
Whenever you decide to do anything, you decide not to do everything else.
Resolved: #1
Resolved, never to walk near my wife without touching her, so long as it depends on me.
Cost aggressively, price competitively.
He is in control; whose s*** is picked up by another
Are humans really so in need of companionship that they will pursue it in the form of one, or many, of something which requires the human for its basic needs? This is a giant logical maypole, weaving wants and needs, illusion and reality until they all end up at the bottom where the question is forced: “why do I pick up your feces?”
I was doing this today, and as I do, I wondered. Why am I so willing to keep this animal (a cat, in this case) in my home? Picking up the feces of another species has become normal. This behaviour is unique to humans, as far as I can think. We clean our children’s feces. We create an industry around the storage and disposal of the feces of animals. When did you get here?